Tag Archives: World Peace Game

The World Peace Game

Everyday more I thank my great co-worker for introducing TED to me. I’ve been translating TED Talks for almost two years now and am happy to be #3 translator in number of translated talks in Brazil. I don’t how long I’ll remain there, but it’s definitely cool!

I’ve said before that I’m particularly interested in talks about the environment or science. Incredibly, these are the easiest talks to translate, and obviously you learn things that you would never imagine, or you get to see things way before they are known worldwide. Anyway, one of the latest talks I’ve translated was given by John Hunter, a 4th grade teacher that started the World Peace Game. Students are organised in groups and they have to decide who’ll be president, PM, organise the cabinet, and deal with a list of problems that, just like in real life, are connected to other problems, so they need to think about the decisions they make because they will affect everything else. The kids even solved the problem of climate change! More than once!

It’s an inspiring talk that I was glad to translate into Portuguese. The review was done by Belucio Haibara.
