Tag Archives: Steve Carell

The truth is: Birdman sucks!

This post comes almost a month too late, but my friend from San Francisco just told me he managed to resell for 12 dollars the Birdman DVD he had bought for all of us to watch before the Oscars… And I was so happy he got some money out of it because, honestly, Birdman sucks!

Sorry, but it shouldn't have won Best Picture awards...

Sorry, but it shouldn’t have won Best Picture awards…

Forgive me if I think this whole troubled Hollywood/Broadway people stories are not as interesting as the truly mind-blowing Whiplash. I was on the edge of my seat for the entirety of the film because of that motherfucking asshole of a music instructor. You want troubled? That guy is messed up! And he doesn’t give a shit who he takes down with him…

It's not about a band, it's not a musical, it's just so fucked up it's excellent!

It’s not about a band, it’s not a musical, it’s just so fucked up it’s excellent!

Even Foxcatcher was better, and that movie is batshit crazy! Steve Carell playing the du Pont guy is unbelievable: “and most of my good friends call me Eagle. Or Golden Eagle. Or Coach. Or John.” My friend and I just couldn’t look away from the screen. But we agreed that the winner should have been The Imitation Game.

This film should've won the Oscars...

This film should have won the Oscars…

It’s the true story of the man that helped save millions of lives during WW2 and because of bigotry and prejudice had to face a horrible fate. Social issues have advanced since then, IN PART, and even though something like he went through doesn’t happen in most civilised societies, other types of prejudice are alive and kicking, and it’s impossible not to think of it after seeing the film.

So, the industry went for the “cool” “hip” shit when it should have just acknowledged an important and incredible but sad and true story. Disappointing.