Tag Archives: Sinead O’Connor

What’s going on, AC?

As I expected, this week’s been brutal. Yesterday I worked for 9 hours (as opposed to the 6 I’m expected to work…), half of them in classroom not because I’m understaffed, but because I’ve no staff at all. And also as I expected, the guys that are here for the third time couldn’t be more bored — since their English is so fucking perfect… — and for literally one hour, the time they were supposed to finalize one project to be presented right after and be discussing options with one another, they were mute, no sound at all. I only knew they were alive because of the keystrokes on the laptop, but I gotta be honest that at one point I thought I’d have to poke one of them to wake him up.

Anyway… I got so sick and tired that I literally got sick. I don’t know if it’s the sandwiches I’ve been having — they taste pretty good, though… — that made me feel like that. I cancelled my phone classes in lunchtime and called in sick. The school’s coordinator will fill in for me. I also have these recurring headaches, maybe because I’m not eating properly. I don’t remember the last time I had a “real meal”, you know, rice and beans, some meat and vegetables. Well, but I know when I’ll have it again, next Friday, since I’m taking the students to lunch.

So, having this forced day off made it possible to watch/read the news. For me Twitter is the best way to get updated since everything is there. As I was scrolling down, there was this AC360’s tweet announcing his guest for the night: Demi Moore will be interviewed tonight about Haiti’s situation — she’s just got back from there — and I went: what?!? Ok, I watch the show every night and will keep watching it until the day it ceases to exist — not a far-off possibility, let’s face it… — but it seems lately that AC360’s main reporters are celebrities. First, Sean Penn, who’s been in Haiti and constantly appears on the show, then Dr. Phil is on talking about bullying and child abuse, and now Demi Moore? Couldn’t he get Michelle Obama on the show? Yesterday the Big 360 Interview was with Chelsea Handler, who’s very funny, I watch her show on E! every weekend, but… come on! No wonder the other channels beat him big time… I’m sure that their interviews do not involve Sinead O’Connor talking about the catholic church… for two segments… via Skype or whatever… But I guess the topper was when he brought Cheech Marin to talk about his loss on Jeopardy and talked to the guy for 5 minutes…

Another thing is the repetition. Last week’s story about the adopted Russian boy who was sent back to Russia by himself by his American family was incredible, for sure. It was all over the news and certainly would be on AC360, since he had shown a few months ago a Gary Tuchman’s report on this ranch in Montana that helps violent adopted children, many of them from Russia. So, instead of doing a follow-up on the story, showing how the boy is doing right now, he showed the same fucking story!!! For the third time in the last, I don’t know, five or six months!!!

I’m not sure what’s going on there, I don’t know if the show will be changed, if the guy will continue to report the news, if it will be more of an interview show, but I can tell you I’m not enjoying it…

Well, but one thing that I REALLY enjoyed was Jon Stewart mocking Glenn Beck on The Daily Show aired March 18. This was perhaps the funniest moment on television ever…

P.S.: Fair and balanced? How can O’Reilly say that nobody at Fox News has ever mentioned jail time for those who don’t get health insurance? unbelievable…