Tag Archives: San Francisco

Please don’t go…

So, it turns out I’m in San Francisco for the month! A lot has happened, probably to be reported here later on, but nothing, NOTHING, has overwhelmed me so much as the news I saw last night….

JON STEWART IS LEAVING THE DAILY SHOW (Looking at the TV in horror…)

It all started with Ronaldo, Daniel, Lindsay and I doing the bar crawl last night. It was fun, we had good and bad beers, and at the end we all collected a really cool print from San Franpsycho. We ended the run at my favourite place, which does feel like “the local” we had in London: Gambrinus. They serve a long list of Polish beer and the atmosphere is great, so we decided to have something to eat there before going home.

We were going to have a piece of Ro’s birthday cake for dessert, but we were all so tired and full that we just called it a night. Ronaldo slept over at Daniel’s and I just crashed in bed, watching the 11-o’clock news to see what had happened during the day. Eyes closed, listening to the anchor talk about the local news, when suddenly they report on Brian Williams being suspended for 6 months without pay after the whole helicopter incident in Iraq. After that, they show a picture of Jon Stewart with the caption “Stewart stepping down.” I couldn’t believe my eyes. No longer tired. No longer being able to sleep. Just two months ago Colbert ended his hilarious tenure at Comedy Central, now the guy that started it all is leaving as well?

It’s just hard to process everything… He said he’ll leave later this year, “it could be September, it could be July…” As soon as JULY?? Maybe Comedy Central would have the summer to prep the new anchor, but then again, are they keeping The Daily Show as it is? Stewart started in 1999 replacing Craig Kilborn and transformed the show in what it is today. The Daily Show is Jon Stewart and Jon Stewart is The Daily Show, it’s not like a news show that every so often has a new anchor. There can’t be a Colbert Report without Stephen Colbert, can there be a Daily Show without Jon Stewart? (Well. there is the podcast…)

I feel really, really sad. I have to say that it’s spoiled my trip a little bit and I will definitely be bummed out for a couple days… I was so excited about the premiere of Better Call Saul and looking forward to upcoming episodes, but now all I can think about is already not watching Stewart do his thing, even though there will be at least some five months to go.

Here’s a link to his first show, which will sadly be paired with the last one soon.