Tag Archives: PUC RS library

Wheels keep turning

I took the time this afternoon to study and start finalising some of the papers for college and decided to go to PUC’s library and consult some Art and Education books. I was shocked by the changes in that library! I was intimidated by it, I felt like a person from last century that by accident ended up in that place. Well, I think technically the last time I went there was actually in last century!

But the wheels kept turning, and everything was renovated. I still had that image of old shelves, with a number of tables next to them, old (and very limited number of!) computers. Well, maybe back then they weren’t so old, but surely slow. Now, the picture is different. Really comfortable armchairs, a lounge-like feeling and computers everywhere, without having to wait in line to search for books! I liked the environment, and was able to get a lot done in a few hours.

As for work… clinging on what’s left of strength to keep going… Wheels keep turning, don’t they? And I’m getting some wheels in motion myself! Along with my peers, obviously.