Tag Archives: Mayans

Great Friday morning


It’s exactly 07:21am and you might wonder what the hell I am up so early and typing up stuff. I had to do this now otherwise I would forget and it was just so unbelievable to forget….

I woke up by myself, with no alarm-clock aid, at 06:40. Wow, ok, bearing in mind I had gone to bed at 02:00am that was a little shocker. Anywho, as I was already awake I turned on the radio to listen to some music and some headlines  — that’s the only way I know important stuff happened in Brazil — and there’s this show with this really under-qualified, unprepared presenter that makes you wanna cry. I usually wake up and listen to Victor Hugo’s show right after this one, but today it wasn’t the case.

The girl — she sounds as though she’s 17 (she might be…) — was interviewing a guy about the movie 2012. I don’t know who the guy is but apparently he’s studied the Mayan culture and civilisation for many years and I started listening from this point:

— (girl) — …so I watched the movie and, of course, the special effects are amazing, just unbelievable, but the movie wasn’t about the Mayan calendar at all, right? I mean, I thought I was gonna get to know a little bit of the story. So, according to their calendar the world’s gonna end in 2012, right?

— (guy) — er… not exactly. The Mayans were a really advanced civilisation, they had actually more than 30 calendars for different things. For example, one of them lasts 260 days because this is the time of a pregnancy and…

—  … so their calendar had 260 days?

— no, only this one. But anyway, I don’t want to sound alarmist or anything but all the things that we see in the movie, they’re pretty much gonna happen to us. Not the story plot, of course, they needed something to connect the events but all the catastrophes, they’re actually happening…

— (…)

— because every 26,000 years the magnetic poles they go upside down and there is a series of events that comes with it. For example, all the volcanoes in the world will erupt, so imagine the millions of tons of sulphur in the atmosphere, nobody’s gonna be able to breath. They calculate that only 1% of the humans will survive…

— Well, in the movie they decide to build some sort of Noah’s Arc and actually very few people survive… But this isn’t happening to us, right?

— It will. It’s impossible to save everybody. And we have something extra here. It’s the first time in history that this is happening and the populations have nuclear arms, so imagine what can happen… This is a wake up call to everybody. If we start dismantling the bombs now, we’ll have a chance to avoid complete annihilation.

— So, there’s is a chance the world won’t end?

— The world isn’t gonna end. It’s a cycle. Every 26,000 years something happen but this is the first time there’s is a real chance that everything could be over unless we do something about it.

— So if the governments dismantle their nuclear bombs…

— Well, there could be a chance…

And it basically went on and on like that and I couldn’t stand it anymore so switched to another station, they were playing Phil Collins, I felt a little better. What’s wrong with these people? I mean, Not only did she give up the movie, but what kind of a sick person would a book an interview like that for a Friday morning before 0700am? I seriously, seriously thought about not going to work or teaching the immersion next week or showing up ever again because, really, what’s the point? So after that Victor Hugo was on, and he was trying to speak in a peace & love kinda tone, you know, trying to cheer folks up, but then when giving the weather forecast he basically said that we’d have a big storm coming for the day, hail and 100kph winds. Well, that couldn’t be more appropriate…