Tag Archives: Louis C.K.

Over but not done indeed!

Last night Breaking Bad won its final awards after six brilliant seasons (I don’t buy that AMC’s 5A and 5B split, apparently that’s the new thing because it’s not like you’re waiting for a whole new season, it’s just PART B of the one you’ve been watching…) But anyway, the show is over but not done indeed!

I wasn’t sure whether they would win because the show had finished a year before and all the hype had slowly disappeared, but I can see that people did justice to the Walter White’s saga and awarded them the best drama series, among other categories. True Detective was a strong contender, but in the end it stood no chance, Breaking Bad was just too good. And even though there was a lot of talk that Matthew McConaughey might take home the award for best actor in drama, Bryan Cranston proved people wrong. Well, perhaps the idea of having to sit through a Matthew McConaughey acceptance speech, inevitably started by his “alright, alright, alright…” might have dissuaded people from voting for him. (Note: The actor claims that he borrowed the line from Jim Morrison. This link shows the explanation along with an album where the singer says the line, but I’m pretty sure it’s from the In Concert album, where he says it right after “Roadhouse Blues.” As a Doors’ and Jim Morrison’s big fan, I think it’s flattering and a big homage; but let’s be honest and agree that now it’s got to a point that it’s just annoying.)

I was also happy that “The Colbort Report” (Gwen Stefani had a John Travolta moment) took home the award, especially because this is the last year of the show. I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that the persona Stephen Colbert will no longer exist and he will become a broadcast TV talk show host. Even though The Daily Show has a much stronger political impact, since when Stewart talks everybody listens, it will be difficult to win another award. One thing I know for sure: one of the best Daily Show‘s correspondents and now host of Last Week Tonight will definitely be on the ballot next year. John Oliver just doesn’t pull any punches and has provided us with brilliant segments such as the incredibly famous FIFA smackdown, climate change media coverage, nuclear weapons and native advertising. Let’s wait and see.

As for comedy, Modern Family took the trophy for the fifth consecutive time. Some four or five years ago a co-worker lent me the DVD and I watched the first five or six episodes of the series. I found it OK, funny, but never watched another episode ever since. I don’t know if it’s because I find the actors so annoying in “real life” when going on talk shows or giving interviews that I can’t bring myself to get invested in the show. I haven’t jumped on the Orange is the New Black wagon either, but in this case the show is still brand new and I still have a chance to catch up until season 3. And because the new cable and Netflix shows have a reduced number of episodes, as opposed to the never-ending 24-25-episode-per-season broadcast shows (although it’s been changing), it’s easier to binge-watch as it only takes a couple of weekends to do so.

So I can’t say anything about Modern Family because I’ve never watched it. It might be a hilarious show but I’m sure I’ll never know. All I know is that Louis C.K. should have won in more categories, not only writing. Louie is great, it was funny from the get-go, and hopefully will be on for years to come.

All in all, I’m happy that Breaking Bad scored big last night. And perhaps I should start watching less television…