Tag Archives: Internacional


Who is Mazembe? Where is it from? Until early this afternoon I had no idea what that was but later on it became the word at the tip of the tongue of everybody in the whole state.  As I’ve mentioned before, everything in this strange piece of land is a matter of “either… or…” There’s no middle ground. Yes or no, black or white, and obviously, the same applies to football teams. Blue is the best. Red is deplorable.

I haven’t watched football in ages. I mean, I watched a few World Cup matches that were pretty exciting, but I guess only half of a Brazil’s match. More recently, I’ve learnt that my team qualified for Libertadores.

And today I’ve had a great surprise in the midst of a very long and rocky last week of work before vacation. The other team, the deplorable Red ones, were playing an unknown Congolese team that goes by the name Mazembe and the very improbable result happened: they were SHELLACKED by the African team! Just beautiful! Sports Illustrated reports, as well as the BBC, Yahoo! UK , Sky Sports and even Fox News!!! I guess this is the shot of the day:

They made it to the final by shellacking Inter

Well, kudos to the underdog and I do hope they win the final match.

The whole year flew before my eyes, and now the last week of exhausting work is dragging on like never before!!! Countdown to Friday…