Tag Archives: Dilma Roussef

What kind of country is this?

So yesterday was supposed to be a historic day in Brazil as the population took to the streets to protest against corruption and demanded the Dilma Roussef’s resignation or impeachment process. Assuming either happens, then what?

Look, I’m the last person in this country that is okay with the situation we are going through. In fact, every time I return from a trip abroad it’s hard to deal with the fact that in a few hours I will be in a place that makes me feel frustrated, sad, fearful for my life and hopeless. It wasn’t different a little over a week ago, when after a 20-hour journey back home I had to face the same problems.

But my point is that corruption is so ingrained in people’s lives that no matter who is in power, nothing meaningful will be done to change the situation (as we say in Brazil: it is “changing six for half a dozen.”)

Politicians in Brazil are practically untouchable, they seem immune to any attempt to hold them accountable and they pass laws that continue to give them and their families more benefits, power and immunity. Whenever there is a salary raise for congressmen, senators and justices (and they happen religiously every year) there is always some outrage from the population, but the main explanation is: “it’s constitutional.” And there is an automatic ripple effect to the states and towns nationwide. For example, the equivalent of a state senator can earn up to 75% of a congressman, city representatives earn up 75% of the state senator, and boy oh boy do they follow the “up to” rule… I imagine this is the only rule they ever follow.

Apart from salary, they receive endless benefits such as health, housing, credit card, paid-for travel expenses, up to 25 staff (again, the “up to” usually means the full number), plus a few months’ recess, in July and two months in the summer.

Now my question is: who in this world would set up an electoral campaign and run on a political reform platform that would slash part of most of these costs? Even if there is a solitary soul in Brazil willing to embrace the fight, the settled, corrupt majority that manages to get elected every single time would just crush the poor bastard. The politicians always run on a “social justice” platform but no one addresses the abusive power that they themselves have built up during the last 30 years. Being elected means striking gold, winning the lottery, and nobody that manages to get it will give it up without a fight.

In the meantime, the population pays the price. Pays for everything. We pay for all politicians’ expenses (almost a billion reais a year just with the house of representatives); we pay more then four months’s worth of salary in taxes; we pay to live in fortified houses; we pay for health insurance, for education, electricity, water, transportation, and none of these, NONE, reaches the minimum of “satisfactory” level we certainly deserve.

The frustration made people take to the streets, and what they said in sound bites on TV was: “We can’t take it anymore, enough!” “Enough with all the corruption!” “Enough robbing us blind!” and I couldn’t agree more. ENOUGH! And the response of the government was basically that demonstrations are part of democracy and they will work on discussing political reform… Do you know how long they will talk the talk and NOT walk the walk? For ever!!

A famous late singer from the 80s and 90s sang “What kind of country is this?” (Que país é esse?) and more than 20 years have past and no progress has been made. Will I ever see some in my lifetime?