Tag Archives: Boxing Day

White Xmas, not for me

Not in the Xmas mood at all. It’s so wierd watching the news about the super cold snap that’s been going on in the US and Europe while experiencing temperatures way into the 30s. Last night was particularly difficult for me, took me a long time to fall asleep and at about 5am this fucking mosquito woke me up — and I simply can’t go back to sleep knowing that this fucking think will fly over my ear every 10 seconds, so I got up and waited. Started smashing everything inside my very spacious bedroom and there must be now some 20 shoe marks on the walls, but I eventually got the little bastard! However, after that it was virtually impossible to go back to sleep. I kept checking out the time and realized I was doing that every 20 minutes. I heard the alarm clock go off after 8am and Ipanema’s schedule on Sunday isn’t the best one. They have this programme between 8am and 10am playing regional music, which isn’t my cup of tea. I switched to another station and felt better and like getting up.

I turn on the TV and all they show is the snow in the US. I couldn’t help but wish I was there, away for this heat and non-Xmas spirit that we have here every year.

Washington DC

Alexandria, VA -- ok, I think this is a little too much...

(Pics from The Guardian)

As we are all going on vacation, we’ve got paid a couple of days ago and all I wanted to do was cry. Cry non-stop. That means I’m only gonna get paid again late January — almost 45 days from now — and I don’t see myself being able to pay bills. I’m particularly worried about the credit card bill since I had to paid the flat’s maintenance fee with my card, otherwise I’d be way into the overdraft limit.

I would like some day to have a white Xmas. I remember in London we had snow in the first year only on Boxing Day and back then it wasn’t actually common to snow in London. This tropical heat just doesn’t feel right for the holidays spirit and what really makes me annoyed is that for years and years we’ve had to accept the whole Xmas decoration that just doesn’t suit our climate. It’s ridiculous seeing Santa in a shopping mall and fake snow knowing that in a few moments you’re gonna get out of there and this excruciating heat will hit you in the face like a punch. But what should we do then? Dress Santa in shorts and flip-flops and have him sit on the beach kiosks drinking caipirinha? That’s a tough one, man… But anyway, maybe some day I’ll have the chance to see a white Xmas. What I will see for sure is a blank Xmas, all right: no money, no gifts, no joy, no prospects… just blank.