Turning point?

So, it’s no surprise that I’ve been fed up with how things are going at work. I know that everybody has good and bad days at work; no job is perfect and we need to try to address the problems the best way we can. However, the good days are rare now and the bad days are really bad, really really bad.

I really feel sorry for all the students that come to the school and enroll in a course that is poorly devised and won’t help them at all. The material is awful, it isn’t cheap, has no quality, treats the student like a dumbass, it’s disrespectful. I’m glad that I’m not part of this department anymore, and I’m glad that I still get to work with my students using material that make them think. But things change fast where I work, and if I don’t do something soon, I might either need to start selling the lie that those courses are or get laid off.

Last week I had a long conversation with one of my colleagues and we seem to agree on many things that we should be doing right now, things that we should start doing. We bust our asses for nothing, the pay we make is ridiculous and the owners think we should be thankful. It’s a complete waste of time and talent, we’re constantly tired and we simply can’t move forward. I’m tired of making other people rich while I struggle to pay the bills and get to the end of the month.

So, today two colleagues and I had a lunch meeting and we’re really willing to make the move. A lot of people say that in order for you to make the jump you need “the fear”, but in our case we’re way beyond fear, we’re desperate. So, this year we’ll do a lot of planning and research, because we truly believe that there’s more to language learning than what we’ve been seeing for the last few years. I refuse to believe that people are looking for what most of the schools offer, including the school I work for, and we’re willing to make the change! We’re gonna do something about it! And we’re taking our country back!!! (just kidding, couldn’t resist…)

The protests in Egypt really are taking a turn for the worse. Now journalists can’t report what’s going on because of the attacks in the last two days. Even though correspondents from all over the world were attacked, hospitalized, threatened and arrested, no doubt that Anderson Cooper was the most talked about, so much so that even Stewart had to step up and say “hands off Anderson Cooper!” But I could have done without tonight’s cation on Pierzzzz Morgan, with AC360 talking on phone about the latest developments: “Secret Broadcast from Anderson Cooper”. Really? Come on, guys…

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