Daily Archives: January 28, 2011

Immersion Season 4 Finale

I can’t believe it! It’s over!

Usually Fridays are “fresh days”, as Blind Melon would put it. Even if the week is long and dull or busy and without enough hours, Friday is the day that I feel like working more. More hours. Harder. Because I know that, regardless of the time I leave the school, the moment I step out of the building I switch to beverage mode.

And for the last five months, with a brief hiatus during the holidays, every Friday I had the same ritual: prepare the material for the following week’s Immersion. I’d print a bunch of things (schedule, tasks, assessments, reading material) and would go on to organise everything in binders. Oh, the binders… I don’t know how many times I had to rush to the stationery store to buy 10, 15 of them, with all the partitions. I’d inevitably pay much more because it was a last minute thing. Speaking of money, it’s great that I don’t need to ask for the lunch and coffee break cash anymore; I always worried about running out of cash. And worried about overspending or teachers not getting the receipts in the restaurants. As there are no plans for a new season until August, I hope I can use the next six months to “tidy up the house”. I had great news from on of the teachers. She’s come to me to talk about working exclusively with Immersion. That’s fantastic! It’s really hard to find people willing to teach those classes and she seems interested in a long-term thing. The hardest part here will be convincing my boss that this person is the way to go. She’s reliable and had great feedback from students, and that’s the reason why I don’t think my boss will give her up so easily.

I decided to call it a day earlier today. I let the guys with the teachers to organise their presentations and went home. Needless to say that it was definitely 45ºC outside, and the extremely hot air felt like a punch in the face. I really wanted to start walking home again, but I don’t see myself doing that for the next three months. I remember that in Krakow I’d do that every day during the summer, and the Polish summer can be pretty cruel… But the humidity factor here is almost bizarre.

I got home and didn’t feel any better. I had the impression that it was hotter inside than outside, and the fan that I’ve got here doesn’t do shit other than revolve hot air around the house.

With everything being beyond my control, I decided to do the one thing that was still able to control: breaking my own rule of having the 1-day buffer between drinking days. This weather just calls for, or better, demands beer. So, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to the supermarket to buy some.