Top 2010 stories

I saw this Yahoo! UK & Ireland 2010 in review thing, which got me thinking about what my list would be and this is what I came up with. What do you think?

1. Haiti earthquake

Haiti earthquake on January 12, more than 200k dead


2. Midterm elections

The shellacking!


3. Brazilian elections

Unfortunately, Paul didn't make it...


4. Wikileaks

Assange is too wierd to have his picture here


5. Chilean miners

Incredible story, but honestly hope I don't have to listen to "Chi-chi-chi Le-le-le" ever again...


6. Rio riots and the taken of Complexo do Alemao

One drug lord's paradise


 7. BP Oil Spill



8. Eyjafjallajokull (better known as the “Icelandic volcano” or¨E15)

Millions stranded because of this guy


9. World Cup

1st time winners Spain


10. iPad

I want one!

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