Daily Archives: November 17, 2010

Big hiatus

It’s really been a long time. Last post I wrote was about having the newly hired teacher quitting on us. I certainly survived that one… but not without lots of overtime followed by a serious conversation with my boss. There was no way I could keep working like I was and basically having nothing in return: not getting paid for the extra hours, not being able to take days off. If only I made a little more money… but I’m not willing to sacrifice for the shit that some people call salary.

The problem is that the moment I started working the number of hours I was actually hired to work, I simply haven’t been able to finish anything. Nothing. No ‘checks’ on the to-do list. And I started to wonder if the school is willing to look for another person to help with all the work that needs to be done. It took me one year to convince them that we desperately needed to hire somebody else, now I don’t know if I’ll have to nag for one more year. This just proves how completely disconnected they are with what I do.

Well, but the show continued and last week we went to Santa Cruz to teach a five-day, six-people immersion. Bizarro Fers would describe the experience as excellent. All students were really into the activities, contributing with their ideas and opinions. It was very easy for all of them to work as a team. What amazed me the most was the fact that they were so eager to speak and take part in the activities that I had to choose who would speak first. The conference call task was definitely a highlight, with all of them disclosing all the information they had been briefed and leaving no room for misunderstandings. They were so in tune with everything that my colleague and I hardly had to do any work. After 5pm, when the class finished, we would simply relax and have a stroll around town, or even read a great book. We had so much time in our hands that we were able to go to bed early and wake up without a problem the day after — and everybody knows how much I love those early starts…

I will have four more weeks of classes and extra activities before having a highly deserved rest. The good thing about the summer is that there will be only a few immersions, so (I think, and hope…) I’ll be able to focus on video classes. Video classes!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!

This video is kind of old news now, but it really creeps me out!