Daily Archives: July 30, 2010

TGIF? Not so fast…

So, there I was, brushing my teeth at 4:40am and getting ready to the leave the flat. CNN was on and I was watching the very early edition of World Business Today, live from London. Got a cab, went to the bus station and at precisely 5:35am the bus left to Santa Cruz. Only three people on the bus. I turned my iPod on, Tokyo Lounge, and slept comfortably all the way through.

I got there and had a meeting about the video project. Must say that I was pretty nervous about it, but we agreed on some key issues and that was the important thing. Hadn’t it been for the meeting, I could have interviewed everybody in the morning and gone back home on the midday bus. Even though there were way fewer people than the first group, it felt more tiring, maybe because I didn’t know most of them so they were pretty nervous and shy and didn’t want to speak much, so I needed to get as much information as I possibly could in order to evaluate their speaking.

I left the company and went to buy cucas, the delicious pies they produce in the region. They recommended this store and to my surprise, as I enter I see one of the company’s employees buying some cucas himself! Nice coincidence… I bought four of them for grandmother’s birthday and had about 10 minutes to get to the bus station, buy the ticket and go back home.

I got to the ticket booth and lucky me there was one seat left on the 2 o’clock bus. Unlucky me the bus was full and was a grotesque version of the morning bus. Cucas on the overhead compartment, laptop on the floor. I struggled to get comfortable but I knew that the minute I did I would have to hold still until Porto Alegre. 3 hours, 3 huge traffic jams and 5 CD’s later I arrived home safe and sound and sore and sour. I knew just the medicine for that: good old pints of whatever booze available. I was happy, I was anticipating it. But then… Damn! Shitty workshop will happen tomorrow and I must be able to function in front of my student. Frustration took place.

But I gotta be honest, four pieces of cuca helped to lift my spirits a little bit…