Daily Archives: June 14, 2010

What does it take to be a complete asshole?

Well, if you are the guy that lives down the hall, don’t go any further: you’re already a complete asshole.

I’m a person that unfortunately holds grudges, but I’m trying really hard, REALLY hard to become a better person and avoid cancer down the road. I’ve been putting up with a lot of shit for some time now and been trying to abstract the negativity and see the positive side of things, which isn’t an easy task at all. There’s only so much shit you can take before exploding, and I guess I’m on the verge here.

This guy that lives down the hall is a complete asshole, douchebag, fucker that doesn’t do anything with his life, ANYTHING, besides going to school and being supported by his parents, and his lack of productivity — meaning that he hangs out with his dumbfuck buddies a lot in his flat — is getting on my nerves big time. Big time.

After having a very busy and tiring day — students in the morning, putting out a lot of fires at the school and more students at night — I just wanted to sit back and wait for AC360º. So, as the girls were leaving my flat after the class and I was closing the door to take them downstairs, a group of the dumbfucks almost ran over us along the way, one of the guys actually bumping into me. The girls were appalled and went ‘did that guy just bump into you and kept walking?’ I said, ‘Yeah…’ The girls made a few comments about the incident but I wasn’t paying attention because the whole thing just shocked me. I was attacked by them!

I don’t have a We Feel Fine moment today. I do not feel fine at all!!!!!

P.S.: I’m not a person with a vast wardrobe, but couldn’t AC360º change his shirt, or at least alternate the days?