Am I supposed to be excited about the World Cup?

It’s been a tough week. First part of assessment is taking place and the employees do an online placement test before moving on to the written task. With the whole changing of system thing, we’ve been experiencing a few bugs along the way and the frustrating part is that I have no control over it whatsoever. Any change that needs to be made I have to contact the guy that developed the thing and he doesn’t work at the school, it was an outsourcing kind of thing. The real problem is that when I do contact the guy he doesn’t even bother responding the fucking e-mail with a ‘I’ll get back to you.’ If it’s something urgent and I depend on that to keep my job, well, I better check out the job ads because I won’t get a response within at least five days.

People seem to be excited about the World Cup. I’m not. I gotta say that I am watching Argentina vs. Nigeria right now because there’s nothing better to watch on TV. What surprises me is that I’ve never been like that before. During the last World Cup I was living in London and I remember not giving a shit about my work because I wanted to watch the matches, especially Brazil. I would make deals with my manager to be able to leave earlier to get together with friends and watch the games. We even almost missed a Roger Waters gig in Hyde Park because I wanted to watch Brazil vs. France — and thank God we didn’t miss the show because as everyone knows Brazil was sent home on that day. Obviously I would like my country to win, but at the same time I think they shouldn’t get to the finals, you know, there’s much more to the world than stupid football matches.

And I think what irritates me the most about this is that I inevitably have to go broadcast if I want to watch the games and duringĀ half time they insist on showing those ridiculous takes from wherever in Brazil with a bunch of people rooting for the teams that are playing. And the questions are the best: ‘How do you feel?’ ‘Are you excited about the game?’ ‘Do you think they’ll win?’ NO, YOU MORON! I’m watching the game because want my team to lose!!!! I think that’s almost insulting… You know what? I’ll tell you honestly that I’m rooting for England. The boys should win a second Cup, shouldn’t they?

I came across this hilarious piece of news on The New Republic website. I guess it doesn’t need further explanation if you take a look.

A lot of TEDTalks were finalized but for some reason they haven’t been published yet. There is one talk, tough, translated by Daniel Sollero and reviewed by me that is available and totally worth watching! Steven Levitt analyses the economics of crack and proves that, different from what many might think, it doesn’t pay off being a drug dealer!!! Very funny and interesting talk to watch!

We Feel Fine’s randomly selected piece of story of the day: “I’ve gotten to see my best friends a little more often Life is pretty laid back and I think I’m loosening up quite a bit more from the rigor of the semester so my life is feeling quite a bit more laid back which is definitely nice”

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