Killer holiday

The only thing more annoying than having a holiday in the middle of the week has got to be not being able to walk around in your house.

I’ve had a problem with my closet for more than two years. The guys didn’t put it together correctly and I haven’t been able to open one of the doors because it hits the bed. My tiny bedroom doesn’t accommodate the gigantic closet custom made for my bedroom in my former flat. So, after all this time I’ve finally decided to do something about it. I gotta tell you that it takes courage to take everything out of that thing, it is in fact huge and I’ve got a lot of shit that for some reason I’m holding on to.

We contacted a guy that works for the furniture store and he agreed to come today, national holiday, and fix the damn thing once and for all. All right, beautiful. 1pm.

I spent a good one hour yesterday unloading stuff and just throwing it everywhere in the living room — also tiny. The more things I took out, the more seemed to pop up from the back of the shelves. The CDs landed on the washing machine. Shoes in the balcony. Clothes on the couch and on the hanger in the balcony. Everything not wearable basically all over the floor. For a split second it felt as if I was getting ready to move out, only missing the boxes to pack everything up. Than, it felt as if I had just moved in. Than, it felt as if I was getting new furniture and waiting for the guys to put it together.

Needless to say I went to sleep almost at the crack of dawn, woke up still feeling hammered and finished taking the things out of the bedroom — bed sheets, mattress, nightstand. Turned on the TV and no cable. Just dynamite. The house in disruption and no television to help me cheer up. Mom showed up at 12:30pm. She said, “we should call the guy.” I said, “get out of here, he’ll be here any minute.” She called the guy anyway and this was the answer he gave to the question: “Are you coming?”

— Er… No. I’m actually working for the store today, I’m at a customer’s house and will be here all afternoon. I might have an opening in a couple of days.

A COUPLE OF DAYS??? Fuck you, bastard! Why did you fucking agree to come here if your plan was not to show up at all? I got so pissed off that I just wanted to call him again and let him have it, but mom wouldn’t give me the number. So, we ended up contacting another guy who said he would try to come here tomorrow but if not possible he would sent another person. I hope this one keeps his promise. This all reminded me of Kramer’s “verbal contract” thing…

Anyway, the clothes on the couch are now in a mattressless bed and I’ll probably just get the mattress and crash in the living room. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to find clothes to wear tomorrow…

P.S.: Today’s AC360’s birthday! Yummier by the year… And he’s down there covering the oil spill, outraging images of birds and basically any form of life dying. Will this whole thing at least help a little bit raise awareness about alternative fuels?

We Feel Fine‘s randomly selected piece of story of the day: “I have been given a bit of inspiration from a fellow writer and I couldn’t shake that nagging feeling so here I am” (2 hours ago)

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