Daily Archives: May 25, 2010

UK dudes don’t put up with shit

Such an exhausting day… exhausting… and looks like all Mondays will be like that… “Tell me why I don’t like Mondays…” Not really! Monday is officially the most profitable day of the week and I hope it continues like that. Big news at work, but still an embryo project, if I may. If it becomes big, well, there will be a lot of work ahead of us, but I wonder if the paycheck will follow suit.

You know, everyday more I miss the UK. Like any other place in the world, it’s not perfect. It’s got many low points. But there are the little things that just make that piece of land so extraordinary. For instance, wouldn’t it be a great idea to make all the cabinet ministers take the tube or walk or carpool instead of riding the chauffer-driven government cars? That’s exactly what’s being proposed and I think it’s fantastic. I mean, when there was the whole scandal of MPs‘ expenses last year, they were later made to pay the money back, and I can totally picture those bald, 50-something construction workers with forearms covered in tattoos probably made in the 70s, drinking pints of bitter and NOT smoking hand-rolled cigarettes at the counter — well, but it’s spring now so they sit in the beer garden — complaining about the government and calling all ministers and MPs all sorts of words that I have no idea what they mean and dare not ask for their meaning either.

I should really have my throat checked out. Last Friday I started to lose my voice, had a sore throat and a miserable weekend, barely being able to speak on Saturday. Now, after having almost completely recovered my voice, I see myself having to deal with the most upsetting, annoying, irritating cough I’ve had in ages. I had to put up with that for two classes today, at some points being interrupted by the unstoppable coughing during the explanation, which made the students look at me with that ‘you’re not ok, right?’ kind of look. The down part is that I don’t see myself self-indulging in my regular binge drinking routine, even though alcohol can only help you not develop dementia — well, I know, only in small doses… but one can dream and distort a little, right? Just like some news organisations do…

And it’s TEDTalks time. I’ve reviewed this very interesting talk by Elizabeth Pisani about ways to prevent HIV from spreading, even though these ways might not be seen as the most appropriate by many. This talk was translated by Adelino de Santi Jr, whom I contacted for the final approval after having made some modifications to his translation. After more than 10 days (and reviewers are allowed up to 14 days to finish their work), I had not been contacted by him so I decided to hit the ‘publish’ button anyway. Well, this wasn’t my first review and isn’t certainly the last, meaning that I’ve got some experience doing it and adapting some of the sentences so that the viewer can better experience the talk. So, man, if you happen to read this, hope you’re ok with what I’ve done.