Daily Archives: May 23, 2010

Xmas in May / Go!

Following my colleague’s suggestion, there couldn’t have been another title for this piece. Books, clothes, shoes, iGifts… a bag full of goodies can put a smile on anybody’s face. On the other hand, after the thrill of getting a large amount of new stuff, everything else you own seems so dull and boring and useless that you may try to keep up the thrill. That’s what happened to me: I’ve bought this amazing pair of — shocking — Converse shoes just to have something else new in the house. But it was worth it and I think it was the perfect pair: denim, all fucked up and dirty and irregular.

I watched this programme on CNN, CNN Go, a monthly series that focuses on stuff that’s been going on in Asian cities. The first spot was Shanghai and needless to say that it made me want to Go! Also, during the show they played the most amazing music, local indie bands and — needless to say — I went after it. I was able to find the webpage of this cool band, Bang Bang Tang, but it’s all in Chinese! So, BBT guys: make an English version of your website available!

I hope this coming week won’t be so busy because I need to sort out my to-do list and cross some T’s and dot some I’s. And I want my voice back!!!