Botched attack!

I kinda have mixed feelings when it comes to Carnaval. It is good to have a few days off, on the other hand the environment in which these days take place is absolutely unbearable. There’s nothing more depressing than Porto Alegre during this holiday; well, to be honest there’s nothing more depressing than this holiday. As expected, I am completely oblivious to what is going on up north in the country — but I do have a pretty good idea — and I’m totally ok with that. One thing that made international news was the fact that this 7-year-old girl in Rio was chosen to be samba queen and, unfortunately, it doesn’t shock me at all. It created some sort of buzz for a couple of days and everybody seemed to disagree with her parent’s decision to let her participate in the samba school presentation, but is this exposure any different from those beauty pageants or “Toddlers and Tiaras” shows? I’m not defending anybody here; I think these kids should be at home and those parents doing something productive with them, maybe trying to prevent them from becoming reality show “celebrities”.

Speaking of which, one more Big Brother on TV — the last maybe? — and I couldn’t care less. I think it all comes to having options. I remember that last year I didn’t have cable in my house, as well as internet,  and I suffered every single day. You end up getting used to whatever is on and find yourself watching the dumbest, most superficial types of programmes.

Well, as it’s not the case anymore, I’ve been enjoying watching TCM channel, which basically shows old movies and series. Last week I mostly got home in the afternoon after work, since I started working in the morning, and I basically crash on the couch with the TV on for a couple of hours before doing anything in the house. On the sofa half asleep, I saw that the movie “Attack of the 50 ft. Woman” would be on a little later. I’d always wanted to watch the movie, even though I knew I would be very cheesy, so I struggled through the first hour to keep my eyes open but in the last 15 minutes, the part of the movie that she actually becomes a 50ft giant, I was sound asleep. It was frustrating because I watched one hour of bad movie just to see her attack and destroy the whole city…

I guess I'll have to watch one more hour of bad movie

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