
Today I was finally able to turn my neck without much pain — I’ve been taking Dorflex for three days now and I hope tomorrow I’ll be as good as new. The bitch though is that I have this great hammock on the balcony and I don’t feel like leisurely reading a book on it anymore because the past few days have been hell.

Immersion guy is kinda “blah”… totally different from last week’s guy. This morning I had a 2-and-a-half-hour class with him and I felt like walking out on him. Or taking a nap while he was reading the texts. I know teachers are supposed to motivate students and create a good atmosphere, but I think there’s only so much one can do, right? I wonder if the guy is as bland in “real life” as he is in class. Does he ever interact with co-workers or they tell him what to do and he just shuts up and do it? Does he contribute with any opinion during a conversation? Does he read? Does he listen to music? Has he got a favourite TV show? Oh, sorry, now I remember that he doesn’t watch TV… If the guy was a teenager it would be understandable, you know, for teens everything isn’t good enough, but the guy is married, has a family, needs to learn the language because of his job and doesn’t show one tiny drop of enjoyment? Give me a fucking break…

I looked at prices of camcorders this afternoon… pretty steep. My coworker and I have been thinking about reporting some stuff but we don’t have the proper gear, not even a decent photo camera to submit some shots to different websites. We’re missing a great opportunity with the World Social Forum happening right now and it’s not getting any coverage from abroad — everybody focusing on Davos.

I got home today earlier hoping to watch Quest Means Business but I just passed out on my sofa for two hours, even dreamed about… well, this is private! So, now I obviously feel refreshed and have no intention of going to sleep at 2am, so I’ll probably go to bed anyway and stare at the ceiling for two hours or so… Then, in the morning, I’ll have the hardest time getting up for being awake half of the night. Definitely Tuesday is the worst day for me.

And the things that happen around the world are unbelieveable. A McDonald’s employee got fired last year for giving a colleague an extra slice of cheese in the sandwich. This is incredible. The employees usually are paid shit for working long hours and putting up with rude customers and from I could gather they have to pay for their own lunch, which is unacceptable. I used to work in a cafe, also got paid shit, but at least I would save money on food since lunch was included and we could also take some food home at the end of the day.

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