There’s no place like clean home

Don’t know what to say about the last few days. First I had some sort of stomach bug on Friday and wasn’t able to go to work, again. No biggie, I think, because I didn’t actually have a class, it was only the final presentation with the student. However, my boss wouldn’t be there to get the feedback from him and I’m not sure if the last teacher knew about that.

So I was at home and watched the whole “Hope for Haiti” on CNN. It was supposed to be a show co-hosted by George Clooney, Wyclef Jean and Anderson Cooper but the latter did appear throughout the whole thing, I don’t know, some six times maybe? Well, I watched his show afterwards but the best part was the day before, Thursday, when they were showing a report during which an actual aftershock happened. Saturday was cleaning day. Man, I really hate doing that but once the service is done I just feel better. Clothes washed, floor mopped, balcony swept. So it occurred to me that it’d been one year since my grandmother gave me a hammock to hang in the balcony and I never had used it. So, I put it there and started reading the book my friend lent me, Obama’s “The Audacity of Hope”. The temperature couldn’t be better and there was this breeze blowing that made everything feel just right, it seemed as if I was in the front porch of a beach house, just reading a book and enjoying sounds of nature.

Well, what seemed to be a great idea turned out be bad for my neck. I’ve got this painful stiff neck now on top of my still ongoing stomach ache. I’ve put some Gelol on, took pills and nothing happens, really painful. My sofa doesn’t help either, not comfortable at all.

Some good movies on TCM — classic Hollywood, right? Sometimes a movie is shown more than 100 times on TV and you never get to watch them until the moment you basically have nothing to do because you’re sick and it’s the only option you have. I’m watching “The Empire of the Sun”, with Christian Bale at the age of 12 maybe? So, this is a good example. This movie must have been on TV perhaps 50 times and this is the first time I watch it, and probably last. It’s an ok movie.

I can’t believe another week is starting. Obviously there was a last-minute cancellation and only one person is coming for the immersion, which I don’t mind at all. The week after there won’t be immersion because of the holiday (Feb 2) in the city.

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