Daily Archives: January 11, 2010

Palin on FNC — they’ve got them all now

And one more week of immersion has started. This time two people have come and so far so good — until it gets to Friday (on which I’ll have to work until 6pm). I liked to idea of shorter lessons, it gives me more options to work with them, instead of the old schedule that has been used for two years now. I’m definitely doing something about it next week. Tomorrow is the busy day, the one I work since early morning and hope for the best, you know, that I’ll make it to the end of the day without putting up with drama queens. I’m sensing that this week won’t be so harsh since I’ve got more options to work with and I totally removed myself from any extra work other than the schedule. And the plan is to start preparing the activities for the work in SCS tomorrow, even if it’s just a pre-draft.

Well, best piece of news of the day: Sarah Palin is to contribute to Fox News. No comment. I should definitely bring pop corn for tomorrow’s Beck. He really enjoyed associating Obama with Marx — has done it many times on his show — and he has produced his first “documentary”, I guess do to be launched on the 22nd, and let me tell you that, from the sneak peek, he’ll link the gas chambers from WW2, which according to him were created by the communists that have seen now in Obama one of the most avid supporters. What else can I say?