Daily Archives: January 6, 2010

Want some preaching? Tune in on Fox News

As expected, I failed to show up at work yesterday. Oh man, all that rain… And I’m still able to do my job in four days, not to mention that next week I’ll work a great amount of hours so, well, I guess it kinda balances out.

Anywho, my plan is to finish the SCS project no later than Thursday so I could really focus on the classes the week after. Also, I believe I’ll teach a couple of extra hours for a couple of extra bucks, which sounds marvellous at this pont. The plan here is to put everything away for, you know, whatever happens in the future and see those excruciatingly hot summer days pass by faster.

I hadn’t been reading the Yahoo! Uk front page for a while, don’t know why, until this afternoon. One of the articles was this unbelievable thing that happened in Ireland. Apparently the Slovakian authorities thought it would be a great idea to fuck with everybody else’s lives to conceal prohibited items in some passenger’s luggage — without him knowing that, mind you — just to see if the security check at their airport was working fine. Give me a fucking break here! After the underpants bomber making it extremely difficult for everybody to board a plane — and let’s not forget about those who really suffer with that: the little people! — this is something that the whole world needs right now, some dumbfucks undermining other people’s rights. I honestly don’t know what I would do if I got to Dublin and was suddenly arrested for carrying explosives!

Another thing that caught my attention was the New Yorker piece on this Fox /Time Warner Cable battle over the right of the latter to keep on showing Fox channels. Of course Fox wants a huge amount of money to for the rights to broadcast its channels, but Time Warner Cable is “getting tough” and not backing down — so far — on the matter. What’s the big plan here? If TWC isn’t going to show the channels, where else could you get them from? I really don’t know what companies  provide cable services in the US, but that sounds a little fishy to me.

And the one that really pissed me off this evening was (again) Glenn Beck making his “predictions”. Do they pay people to do that on TV? I mean, I’m not saying that the guy can’t have his own show and give opinion — it’s cable TV, we see tons of poor shows everyday and another jerk talking nonsense shouldn’t be shocking. What shocks me, though, is that they call themselves a “fair and balanced” news channel. What?! Come on! There should be a mandatory message before his show stating that “Fox News is not responsible for the opinions expressed on this programme” if they still want people to believe that the channel is “fair and balanced”.

But my favourite one also comes from Fox News, this time Brit Hume advised that Tiger Woods should convert to Christianity for the help he needs at the moment. Unbelievable.